At the most recent LASC meeting in January, junior Ben Calico was elected President of LASC District I. District I includes the Parishes of Jefferson, Orleans, Plaquemines, St. Bernard, and St. Charles
Chief Responsibilities: The District President School is chiefly responsible for the success of its District Association. The District President School shall promote Student Council work within the District by doing the following:
- Sending out a Monthly Newsletter to all of the schools within the District.
Organizing a District Leadership Workshop once a year. - Encouraging the district schools to join LASC, SASC, AND NASC.
- Promoting attendance at the LASC Conventions and Summer Workshops.
- Forming new student councils within the District.
- Promoting the LASC State Charity and State Student Council Week.
- Organizing District projects and activities
- Encouraging inter-school visitations and student exchanges among student councils within the District.
- Working hand-in-hand with the District Advisor.
- Maintaining a District Constitution.
- If any District wishes to sub-divide itself, it may do so on the recommendation of the majority of the members schools within the District, and with the approval of the LASC State Executive Board. It shall be incumbent upon the newly created District to present a constitution and organizational plans to the LASC State Executive Board for final approval.
- If a school from a neighboring District wishes to join another District because of travel considerations, it may do so with the approval of the home District and the District for which it wishes to affiliate. The Executive Director must be informed of these types of changes.
- Any Junior/Middle Level and/or Senior High within the boundaries of the District is eligible for membership in the District organization if that school has an active student council, or wishes to form a student council.
Congratulations, Ben! We are proud to have you representing De La Salle and the LASC District 1! Also in attendance at January’s meeting were student council members (pictured right) Brandon Blackwell ’17, Alexis Bonura ’18, Madison Nuccio ’17, Justin Martineau (co-moderator), Gabrielle Bethancourt (co-moderator), Savannah Dominique ’18, Emily Wesley ’18, and Gustavo De Pavia ’18.