Letter from the Principal
March, 2017
Dear Senior Parents,
Graduation will be held Monday, May 15, 2017, at Xavier University Convocation Center, 7910 Stroelitz Street, New Orleans, Louisiana, 70125, at 4:00 p.m. Graduates should be there at 3:15 p.m. Further information about graduation and other senior activities is listed below.
Below, you will find a calendar of Senior Class events for 2017. Your son or daughter will also receive a copy of this information in homeroom. The seniors will be given more details concerning graduation as we get closer to Graduation Day. Please adhere to all instructions given regarding our final senior activities.
It is absolutely imperative that you and your son or daughter
understand that all De La Salle Student Handbook regulations
regarding appropriate dress, behavior, and demeanor will be strictly
adhered to during these events.
April 6 – Thursday – Senior Parent Night ~ Mandatory for Parents
6:00 p.m. There is a mandatory meeting for all Senior Parents on April 6. The meeting will be held in the Library starting promptly at 6:00 p.m. Senior events will be discussed. One representative from every family must attend. NO STUDENTS ARE ALLOWED AT THE MEETING. Please e-mail Marilyn D’Antoni at [email protected] or call at 504-503-7621 for information.
April 22 – Saturday – Junior/Senior Prom
Where: D-Day Museum
When: Saturday, April 22, 2017, 9pm-midnight (lock in 9:30-11:30)
Who: DLS juniors and seniors may each purchase up to 2 tickets–1 for themselves and 1 for a guest of the opposite gender from either DLS (underclassmen are permitted as guests) or another school
Attire: formal (tuxedos for young men, appropriate dresses for young ladies); all DLS grooming rules apply; Cost: TBA
April 26, Wednesday ~ C and D Period Final Exams / Graduation Practice
Graduation practice will begin immediately in the theatre after the second exam. Attendance is mandatory.
April 27, Thursday ~ A and B Period Final Exams / Graduation Practice
Graduation practice will begin immediately in the theatre after the second exam. Attendance is mandatory.
April 28, Friday ~ Senior Fun Day ~ Faculty/Senior Basketball Game
Seniors will have a “fun day” on this Friday at a place to be determined (due to JCC construction, we cannot use their facility). Then they can enjoy lunch at school and attend the faculty/senior basketball game during the last period of the day. Faculty members will be chaperoning.
May 4, Thursday ~ All Sports Banquet
5:30 p.m. at De La Salle. Further information is available through the Athletic Director, Tony Bonura, [email protected], 504-503-7576, or Rusty Long, [email protected].
May 6, Saturday ~ Senior Awards Breakfast
9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. The Sheraton New Orleans Hotel. ALL SENIORS ARE REQUIRED TO ATTEND. Parents and family are invited. Cost: $50 per person
(Senior ticket was included in his/her graduation fee. Ticket will be given out on Senior Parent Night.) All other tickets may be purchased from Marilyn Piglia D’Antoni, [email protected] (504-503-7621). NO WALK-INS.
May 9, Tuesday ~ Final Graduation Practice
10:00 a.m. at Xavier University Convocation Center. Seniors are responsible for their own transportation. Dress is school uniform for all seniors. Caps and gowns will be distributed at this practice. Students who have not fulfilled the needed credits because of failure (exceeding 2 credits) in the school year will be notified before this time that they cannot participate in graduation.
May 15, Monday ~ Graduation
4:00 p.m. until approximately 6:15 p.m. at Xavier University Convocation Center. Graduates arrive by 3:15 p.m. It is recommended that family and friends arrive early since there are no reserved seats for the graduation other than those reserved for the faculty.
Senior boys are to wear white dress shirts, conservative ties, pants, and dress shoes under their caps and gowns. Socks must be worn. Mr. Perrone will check to see that all De La Salle grooming regulations have been adhered to prior to the ceremony.
Senior girls are to wear dresses which are in keeping with the maroon graduation garb. The girls’ gowns are provided with an attachable collar. These are to be worn and pinned in place. The tape provided does not hold the collar properly. Appropriately colored dress shoes should be worn. PLATFORM SHOES OR FLIP FLOPS ARE NOT ALLOWED.
*Please help us maintain good order by inviting guests carefully and instructing them on the seriousness of the ceremony and the need for appropriate behavior. In general, adults alone should be invited. Thank you in advance for assisting us in making this a solemn occasion.
**Graduates and their parents are responsible for their guests. Shouting or disturbance by guests during the graduation ceremony will result in the graduate being deprived of his/her diploma at the ceremony.
***Seniors allowed to participate in the graduation exercises but who must attend summer school will be given a box with a paper diploma (the official diploma will not be enclosed). Graduation is merely the public ceremony acknowledging the completion of high school. However, the De La Salle diploma is not official until the student’s final transcript has been certified by the school. This occurs approximately a week after the candidate successfully completes regular classes or summer school. Diplomas for these students will be handed out at the completion of summer school. Thank you so much for your understanding in this matter.
We look forward to a joyous and dignified celebration of this wonderful class of Cavaliers.
Paul Kelly, ‘83