Dear Cavalier Family,
In the theater presentation during Open House, we mentioned the incredible Lasallian Family atmosphere that we experience at De La Salle. Our successful Open House truly was the product of much preparation and assistance from our De La Salle family. Thanks primarily to Mr. Francis Moises who oversees this entire process from beginning to end and works tirelessly in order to ensure success. Thanks to the faculty, staff, students, and parents for their assistance to any part of this process. It is always amazing to see the Cavalier Pride that is evident as our students tour the visitors and their parents. De La Salle High School is truly a very special and unique place and the word is finally getting out because the number of visitors to Open House was impressive and surpassed numbers from the last few years.
Our Cross Country team placed second in District this past week and five of our students qualified for All District since they placed in the top ten. These include Hunter Stansberry, Cleo Tirado, Gary Hemelt, Kevin Borne and Tara Abuliel. Congratulations to our Cross Country team and our coach, Mrs. Ana Garcia, and her assistant Brandon Ferrari.
The week ahead will be a very exciting week to us in the Sports Arena. Our volleyball team will be playing at the Pontchartrain Center in hopes of achieving that State Championship. We want to encourage everyone (faculty, staff, students, parents, graduates, and friends) to come out and support our volleyball team. They have done an incredible job this season and they deserve our support at this time. We will be sending out Edline messages about the times of these games and we hope to see many of you there.
The Cavalier Football team will be heading to Farmerville, Louisiana, which is approximately 6.5 hours away and the game is scheduled for Friday evening. There is a possibility that we could reserve buses for all those interested in going to both games so please stay tuned for our Edline messages. This information will also be posted on the website.
Let us also not forget that November is upon us and we are having our Second Harvest Food Drive. Please remind your child to bring a few canned goods and support the Food Drive. One of the Core Principles in Lasallian Education is Care and Concern for the Poor. Here is our opportunity to do our part is helping those who are less fortunate and may be struggling at this time. Thanks for your help with this Food Drive.
Live, Jesus, In Our Hearts,
Peggy St.John