Students of the Month (November 2017)

Congratulations to the Students of the Month for November 2017.


Giancarlos Gutierrez, 8th Grade
(Intro to Technology, nominated by Mr. Chiantella)

Giancarlos is the ideal De La Salle student. His enthusiasm for learning and outgoing demeanor in class are infectious. Giancarlos strives every day to help other students, and his willingness to participate in class contributes to an exciting classroom environment.




Jacob Angelo, 9th Grade
(Algebra I, nominated by Miss St. John)

Jacob is intelligent, hard-working, respectful, and dedicated to doing his very best. Jacob works ahead of the class and gets 100’s on all his homework. He soaks in the concepts of math and wants to truly understand them. Jacob sets his goal very high and has managed to meet his goal so far this semester in Algebra I.




Justin Falgoust, 10th Grade
(Physical Science, nominated by Mr. Kelly)

Justin is very detail oriented and very thorough in his preparation and work. He constantly puts forth extra effort to better himself. He has shown great improvement in his lab work and write-ups. Excellent work!


Quincy Thomas, 11th Grade
(Chemistry, nominated by Mrs. Cope)

Quincy is a model student. He strives daily to outdo himself, never settling for less than he knows he can achieve. He is consistently prepared for class and is always one of the first students to raise his hand to answer a question or volunteer to put his work on the board. Quincy is truly a delight to teach.



Jack Dugas, 12th Grade
(Environmental Science, nominated by Mrs. Cope)

Jack is a valuable member of our class. His inquisitive nature has driven our class discussions on many occasions. Jack is always polite and prepared for daily tasks, and he puts his full effort into all of his assignments. Jack’s work ethic and positivity are much appreciated.



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