Office of the Principal
August, 2015
Dear Parents:
Congratulations and thank you for your help in making this such a smooth start to the school year!
As we near completion of our second week of school, I wanted to update you on some of the many things happening at De La Salle. Our students are so involved in the life of our school that the number of activities can be a bit overwhelming. Again, I encourage you to constantly check our website,, and check Edline for updates on these activities and our calendar.
Classes are off to a productive start, and the first round of tests and quizzes are surely on the way (if they haven’t happened already!).
By this afternoon, we will have held Level Assemblies with each grade level, explaining our academic procedures, introducing our students to our guidance counselors, and encouraging their participation in both athletics and clubs.
Our Student Council has already held our annual Back to School Dance, and the turnout was excellent.
Our football, volleyball, and cross country teams are moving forward in their pre-season workouts and preparing for competitions.
Events fast approaching:
Tomorrow, Friday the 21st, is our Senior Ring Mass and Ceremony at Holy Name of Jesus Church. The Mass begins at 10:30 am, and the school day will end at approximately 12:30 pm. Boys are required to wear their ties to this Mass. (Buses will run after dismissal).
Saturday, the 22nd, from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm is Big Brother / Big Sister Day on our campus. We strongly encourage all students to attend. This event links our older students to our younger students, and these connections truly strengthen the bonds between students that we so strongly hope to develop.
Finally, next Wednesday, August 26th, is our Mini-Schedule Night for ALL parents. This night begins at 6:00 pm and ends at 8:00 pm. This is a “Meet the Teacher” night in which you will follow your child’s schedule for ten-minute “classes.” This is NOT a Parent-Teacher conference, but an opportunity to meet your child’s teachers and hear a brief course overview.
The schedule for Mini-Schedule Night is posted at the conclusion of this letter.
Your child will bring home a copy of his or her schedule that day so that you can find his or her classrooms.
I look forward to continually partnering with you and your child as the school year progresses.
Paul Kelly, ‘83